Chris J.
Q: Who are you? Where are you from?
A: My name is Chris (they/he/she) and I am a Boston area native from a small town called Swampscott, MA. I work at Modulate as an Audio Data Specialist, who handles data labeling and transcription. In the past for Modulate, I have also worked as a recording engineer and casting director, and have worked with music and audio since I was a teenager.
Q: What’s your background? What did you do before Modulate?
A: Though my degree is in music writing and production, I have worked as a producer, engineer, band leader, teacher, and performer of several different instruments and even vocals. I love and have performed music of all different kinds, but have primarily studied jazz in an academic setting, and rock and metal outside of school.
Q: Why are you joining Modulate?
A: I have admired the work done at this company ever since I was introduced to them in winter of 2019. The implications of what can be done with the technology here is vast and serves a very wide set of needs that can have an impact equally as large. I take pride in the idea that I, in whatever small way I can, am helping bring about a healthy and welcome change in the gaming community, while simultaneously increasing the possibilities for people to be themselves! Having the chance to do it with a team of such amazing and qualified people is truly a blessing!
Q: What’s the voice skin you’re most excited to use, and how do you plan to use it?
A: All of them! Having done some of the dataset work to assemble them, I am absolutely thrilled to see what effect that work has into the VoiceWear product final form. If I were using them, I would absolutely use them in my home table top RPG games. When you run a game like that, doing and using different voices is extremely useful and makes for an incredibly immersive experience.
Q: What’s your ideal work environment? Any special strategies you use to stay effective?
A: My ideal work environment is a focused, collaborative space with open ideas and communication. Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I always try my absolute best to keep the lines of communication open and the creativity flowing, whether that’s musical and artistic ideas, problem solving, or ethical stances. An open mind is an informed mind, and an informed mind is the strongest kind.
Q: Tell us about something you must have in any culture you join?
A: Two words; healthy acceptance. Being a non-binary identifying person, I have lots of experience with acceptance as an issue, and it has often been an issue with several different spaces I have joined in the past or tried to join. Healthy acceptance extends beyond identity though, and is a part of daily life, in acceptance of people’s quirks, personality, and in having a full understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Accepting each other for who they are is something that makes working together easier and bonds with each other stronger.
Q: Who are you outside of work?
A: Outside of work at Modulate, I am still a musician and producer. I perform in bands, release music, record artists work, and mix and master music and voiceover audio. I am also known, most nights, as a dungeon master, or one of two characters that I play in two dungeons and dragons campaigns. I am known to incorporate the two together as well, making elaborate one shots in table top games with music, lights and sounds!
Q: What’s something you’re great at that few people realize?
A: I was pretty good at archery last time I checked! I used to shoot bows as a teen but dropped the practice. Last I shot was a 100lb compound!
Q: Leave us with a fun tidbit - a favorite joke, a story from your past, an obscure riddle, whatever you like!
A: Remember: stay hydrated and don’t forget to love each other!